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Chrysoberyl is a rare and valuable gemstone known for its stunning colours and unique optical properties.



The name "chrysoberyl" comes from the Greek words "chrysos" and "beryllos," which mean "golden" and "beryl," respectively. Chrysoberyl has been known and prized for centuries, and it has a rich history and lore associated with it. In ancient times, it was believed to protect against evil spirits and to bring good luck and prosperity to its wearer.

Physical Properties


Chrysoberyl has a chemical composition of BeAl2O4, and it has a Mohs hardness of 8.5, making it one of the hardest gemstones in the world. It has a high refractive index and a strong birefringence, which gives it a unique and striking appearance. Chrysoberyl typically forms in tabular or prismatic crystals and can occur in a range of colours, including yellow, green, brown, and orange.



The most well-known variety of chrysoberyl is the yellow-green colour change variety known as "alexandrite". Alexandrite is a rare and highly prized gemstone that is known for its unique colour-changing properties. It appears green in natural daylight and changes to a reddish-purple colour under incandescent light.


Cat's eye chrysoberyl is a unique and highly sought-after variety of chrysoberyl that exhibits a striking optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy. This phenomenon creates a narrow band of light that appears to move across the surface of the gemstone, resembling the eye of a cat. This effect is caused by the presence of tiny needle-like inclusions within the chrysoberyl crystal that reflect and scatter light in a specific direction. Cat's eye chrysoberyl is typically yellow-green or brownish-yellow in colour and is found in a limited number of locations around the world, including Sri Lanka, Brazil, and India. It is a durable and beautiful gemstone that is often used in high-end jewellery pieces and is highly prized by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts alike. Other varieties of chrysoberyl can occur in a range of colours, including yellow, green, brown, and orange.

Vanadium chrysoberyl is a rare and highly prized variety of chrysoberyl that contains small amounts of vanadium within its crystal structure. This impurity gives the gemstone a unique greenish-blue colour that is highly coveted by collectors and enthusiasts. Vanadium chrysoberyl is typically found in Brazil, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka, and is considered one of the rarest and most valuable types of chrysoberyl. Its unique colour and high durability make it a popular choice for use in fine jewellery, including rings, earrings, and pendants. While vanadium chrysoberyl is a rare and expensive gemstone, it is highly prized for its beauty and is considered a true treasure of the gemstone world.



Chrysoberyl is typically not treated, as it is highly valued for its natural colour and optical properties. However, some lower-quality stones may be heat-treated or oil to improve their colour or clarity.

Geographic Origin


Chrysoberyl is a rare gemstone that is found in a limited number of locations around the world. The most famous and highly prized source of chrysoberyl is Russia, where alexandrite was first discovered in the Ural Mountains in the early 19th century. Other famous sources of chrysoberyl include Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Madagascar.


Synthetic chrysoberyl is a lab-grown version of the natural chrysoberyl gemstone. It is made using various methods, including the Czochralski process and flux growth. Synthetic chrysoberyl can be virtually identical to natural chrysoberyl in terms of its physical and optical properties, including its hardness, refractive index, and colour. However, it is typically less expensive than natural chrysoberyl, making it a popular choice for jewellery and decorative purposes. Synthetic chrysoberyl is also used in a variety of other applications, including electronics and optics.



Chrysoberyl is a highly valued gemstone that is used in jewellery, including rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Alexandrite is especially popular due to its unique colour-changing properties. Chrysoberyl is also used as a decorative stone and is frequently carved into sculptures, vases, and other decorative objects.


Chrysoberyl is a rare and highly prized gemstone that is known for its unique optical properties and stunning colours. Whether you are a collector, a jewellery designer, or just a lover of beautiful things, chrysoberyl is definitely a gemstone worth exploring. Its rarity, durability, and unique colour-changing properties make it a true treasure of the gemstone world.

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