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  • Current Research | Bellerophon

    Bellerophon's Current Research 1/6 Quantitative fluorescence properties of chromium in corundum (α-Al2O3) The research on the quantitative fluorescence of chromium in corundum might enable a much simpler and cost effective option for semi quantitative to quantitative trace element analysis, namely the interrelations of titanium, vanadium, chromium and iron in the corundum lattice structure. Our current research focus on semi quantitative analysis of chromium and iron relations in regards to long wave fluorescence. The goal is to couple quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy with targeted nanometer from excitation emission matrix spectroscopy and quantitative ultraviolet visible ultraviolet spectroscopy using beer's lambert law to reach results regarding qualitative, semi quantitative and quantitative chemical contents as well as internal pressure. ​ ​ Ongoing research. 1/4 Paramagnetic defects referencing in corundum (α-Al2O3), spinel (MgAl2O4) and Beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) The research on the proper referencing, quantification and understanding of paramagnetic defects with special focus with regards to corundum, spinel and beryl lattice might enable a complementary analysis for treatments detection, formations, origin determination as well as genesis. More importantly paramagnetic defect related fluorescence may greatly increases our understanding on the mineral growth formation as well as subsequent thermal, pressure and irradiation history. ​ ​ Ongoing research. 1/8 V3 antisymmetric stretching in Zircon (SiO4) as a thermal history indicator, a statistical analysis of the current false positive and detection probability. The research on the V3 antisymmetric stretching of protogenetic zircon in sapphire from Ilakaka as a mean of a thermal history of the sapphire it is included in has been at the root cause of an number of unharmonized conclusions. Our current research seek to establish the veracity of the everchanging techniques used today as well as a proper quantifications of the existing false positive and false negative. The instruments used as well as the analytical techniques are far from new and commonly used in gemological science, however the interpretation as well as applicable correlation are very opaque and recent in their uses. ​ ​ Active ongoing research. 1/2 Quantitative calculation and simulation of plastic deformation of host lattice due to thermal expansion of the mineral inclusion The research on quantitative calculation and virtual simulation of the plastic deformation resulting to a stress exceeding the host mineral tensile strength due to the host and/or the inclusion thermal expansion in relation to each others axis directions, sizes, physical properties, and cooling gradient, will enable a must more objective and precise interpretation of tensions observed in mineral authentified today. ​ ​ ​ ​ Active ongoing research. 1/2 Crystallographic defects identification generated by artificial irradiation in corundum (α-Al2O3) The research on identification of crystallographic defects, other than color center with medium energy gap, with special focus on intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) and paramagnetic defects resulting directly and/or indirectly from the artificial irradiation of corundum using gamma rays will enable its clear detection and separate it from its natural counterpart. Our ongoing research are concentrated in understanding the effect of artificial irradiation on specific known defects. ​ Active ongoing research. 1/2 (UV-VIS-NIR) formula for quantitative analysis of chromophores in faceted gemstone. Using polarized ultraviolet visible near infrared spectroscopy from 200 nm to 1050 nm we actively research a practical formula to derived a quantitative analysis of chromophores in gemstone using a 3D scan of a faceted gem coupled with Beer-Lambert law and three-term Sellmeier equation. Ongoing research. (LC-MS-MS) Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry referencing & detection of Polymers and Oils Creation of an exhaustive data referencing including oils and resins using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) Ongoing research.

  • R-201920580, 1527

    Reference No. : Weight : R-201920580 1527 Click to Download File

  • R-201812967, 194

    Reference No. : Weight : R-201812967 194 Click to Download File

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